
About me


To put things succinctly, I am a freelance architect, mom, and among other things a perennial student of the world of Architecture.

I have lived most of my life in the amazing city of Bangalore, India (now Bengaluru) and now live in the good ol' U S of A. Having a one year old does not give me too much time to do too many things... however I do manage to keep myself extra busy with some freelance architecture projects.

I often peruse the net whenever I need help with some problem - architecture related or otherwise. However, information related to architecture is not very easy to find. It suddenly struck me that I could create a resource of my own. Although I am still a budding architect, there is a lot that I have done in my career so far. I realize that even sharing what I know will be of invaluable use to others. 

That said, this site is only as good as the content on it. If you as visitors feel strongly about its contents, please do leave comments. I aim to make this site better and more relevant in the future and I need your help for this.

I have a lot of fun coming up with ideas to post on here. Let me know if there is something that you are interested in reading about.

This blog will focus on different topics every week. Here are some of the topics that I will cover in my posts:

  • Technical drawing techniques
  • Conducting case studies on buildings
  • Critiquing current buildings and layouts
  • The how-tos and what-tos of plans, elevations, and everything else related to architecture.